Delivering behaviour change at a hyper-local level

This was a pilot programme for United Utilities to test the impact of a hyper-local campaign on problem behaviour - flushing and pouring the wrong things down the drain. It delivered exceptional results: sewer surveys conducted before and after the campaign showed there had been a 90% reduction in the flushing of wet wipes.

reduction in the flushing of wet wipes
reduction in other non-flushable items
Overall reduction of ‘unflushable’ items
of the local community directly engaged with through outreach work
GOLD AMEC Award winner
for most effective planning, research and evaluation of communications in the public and not-for-profit sectors




“This campaign delivered exceptional results and showed the power of a hyper-local approach, working closely with a local community, to deliver measurable behaviour change. We’re now looking to adopt a similar approach in another problem area.”

Helen Roberts, Marketing Co-ordinator, United Utilities.

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