We help our clients engage with the right people, in the right way, to achieve their goals. It’s all about intelligent communication.
What we offer
We provide a wide range of services in-house and work with selected partners to extend our capabilities where required. Here’s a snapshot of what we do:

We bring a strategic approach to everything we do and pride ourselves on adding fresh insight and new thinking. Our experience includes: media & target audience research; messaging workshops; industry benchmarking; writing formal communications strategies and plans; advice on measurement and evaluation.

We help our clients to connect at the highest levels of government, industry and influence through high quality thought leadership content. We collaborate with senior people to conceive, produce and distribute fresh thinking that people want to read and share.

Thought leadership content is an essential tool for connecting with high-level influencers – but the more switched-on your audience is, the harder it is to craft content that will make them listen. Our new predictive content tool IC/PC (Intelligent Conversation/ Predictive Content) helps keep your talking points ahead of the game.

From national to international and niche, we know how to build effective working relationships with print, broadcast and online journalists – cutting through the noise to get our clients’ voices heard. We ensure that key messages are communicated and calls to action or back links featured.

Successful websites need design and content to work together. Our team can provide high quality, organic website content that will engage readers and influence SEO rankings. Working with our technical partners, we can design and create a website from scratch, improve an existing one, and advise on wider digital communications, including content-led email marketing campaigns.

Social media isn’t just idle chatter – it’s where important connections and opportunities are made, and a vital channel for customer service. We help our clients use social media to meet their organisational goals, with services including: brand, channel and tone of voice development; bespoke training; content creation; organic and paid-for distribution and full social media management.

Social media has changed the nature of crisis management; organisations typically now have just 15 minutes to acknowledge a major incident. Our experienced team works proactively to prepare ahead for a crisis – via media training, statement books and crisis planning – and can provide 24/7 support for major incidents.

Successful white papers involve creating thought provoking, often highly technical, subject matter to engage and influence key audiences. This is IC’s sweet spot - our white papers help our clients stand out.

In today’s digital world, face-to-face events are a powerful way to connect directly with key stakeholders – from high-level influencers to local communities. Our team knows how to shape and deliver successful events – handling everything from the creative brief through to logistics, risk assessments and supplier liaison.

IC founder Libby Howard is passionate about taking the ‘fluff’ out of PR – so we’re serious about measuring results. Every project has clear targets and we provide ‘on a page’ visual dashboards to demonstrate the impact of our work. Our best practice approach is underpinned by the AMEC integrated evaluation framework. New for 2019: check out our measurement bootcamps, run with independent consultant and AMEC member Steph Bridgeman

Good communication needs pictures as well as words. We work with talented graphic designers to offer a wide range of services – from creating sharp brand or campaign identities to extracting the big data that tells a crisp visual story through an infographic.

Film is a key part of contemporary storytelling. Working with independent videographers and to a range of budgets, our team can produce everything from soundbites for social media to creative animations and feature length case studies. We are also experienced at bringing complex and technical products to life through film.